Quiz on Opening Lead - Answers

1. You are West leading against 3NT. If you are going to lead a spade, which spade do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)K9873 Pass Pass 1NT
heart.gif (841 bytes)AJ5 Pass 3NT Pass Pass
diamond.gif (837 bytes)652 Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)Q7

From a suit not headed by a sequence you should fourth best. In this case the spade.gif (842 bytes)7.

2. You are West leading against 4spade.gif (842 bytes). If you are going to lead a heart, which heart do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)97 1club.gif (841 bytes) 1heart.gif (841 bytes) 1spade.gif (842 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)K1092 Pass 4spade.gif (842 bytes) Pass Pass
diamond.gif (837 bytes)8762 Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)865

This heart suit is an example of a suit headed by an interior sequence. Lead the top of the interior, the heart.gif (841 bytes)10.

3. You are West leading against 3NT. If you are going to lead a diamond, which diamond do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)KJ7 Pass Pass 1NT
heart.gif (841 bytes)107 Pass 2club.gif (841 bytes) Pass 2heart.gif (841 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)AK1053 Pass 3spade.gif (842 bytes) Pass 3NT
club.gif (841 bytes)1064 Pass Pass Pass

This suit is not headed by a sequence. Lead fourth best, the diamond.gif (837 bytes)5.

4. You are West leading against 3NT. If you are going to lead a spade, which spade do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)KJ1096 Pass 1NT
heart.gif (841 bytes)107 Pass 2NT Pass 3NT
diamond.gif (837 bytes)109653 Pass Pass Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)A

Another suit with an interior sequence. Lead the top of the interior, the spade.gif (842 bytes)J.

5. You are West leading against 4heart.gif (841 bytes). If you are going to lead a diamond, which diamond do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)10973 1club.gif (841 bytes) 1diamond.gif (837 bytes) 1heart.gif (841 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)85 Pass 2club.gif (841 bytes) Pass 3heart.gif (841 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)AQ32 Pass 4heart.gif (841 bytes) Pass Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)753 Pass

When leading partner's bid suit you must lead the ace if you hold it. Lead the diamond.gif (837 bytes)A.

6. You are West leading against 3NT. You are definitely leading a club, but which one?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)Q2 Pass Pass 2NT
heart.gif (841 bytes)1043 Pass 3NT Pass Pass
diamond.gif (837 bytes)653 Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)AKJ109

The lead of an ace against a no trump contract asks that partner unblock an honor if they hold one, and if not to give a count signal. You certainly would like to know where the club.gif (841 bytes)Q is located. Lead the club.gif (841 bytes)A.

7. Partner doubled 6spade.gif (842 bytes). What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)9 Pass 1diamond.gif (837 bytes) Pass 1spade.gif (842 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)8753 Pass 1NT Pass 4club.gif (841 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)976542 Pass 4heart.gif (841 bytes) Pass 6spade.gif (842 bytes)
club.gif (841 bytes)76 Pass Pass Dbl Pass
Pass Pass

A double of a slam contract asks for an unusual lead. The most likely case is a void in partner's hand. On this hand diamonds (a suit bid by the opponents) appears to be the right candidate. Your diamond length also confirms this fact. Lead your fourth best diamond, the diamond.gif (837 bytes)5.

8. The opponents settled into a 3diamond.gif (837 bytes) contract. What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)J109 Pass Pass Pass 1heart.gif (841 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)AQ1086 Pass 1spade.gif (842 bytes) Pass 2diamond.gif (837 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)543 Pass 2NT Pass 3diamond.gif (837 bytes)
club.gif (841 bytes)Q6 Pass Pass Pass

You should be able to see what is going to happen. Declarer is going to trump her losing hearts in the dummy. Those are your WINNING hearts. Lead a trump to reduce the trumping power of dummy. Lead the diamond.gif (837 bytes)3.

9. Partner overcalled 1diamond.gif (837 bytes), you raised to 3diamond.gif (837 bytes), and the opponents bid 4spade.gif (842 bytes). What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)A64 1club.gif (841 bytes) 1diamond.gif (837 bytes) 1spade.gif (842 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)A9642 3diamond.gif (837 bytes) 3spade.gif (842 bytes) Pass 4spade.gif (842 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)10873 Pass Pass Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)9

You have all the needed criteria to negotiate a club ruff. Lead the club.gif (841 bytes)9. You should be able to get back on lead with the spade.gif (842 bytes)A and put partner on lead with an diamond entry to get your ruff. Then the heart.gif (841 bytes)A will be the setting trick.

10. Your lead against a grand slam in no trump. What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)J1097 Pass 1club.gif (841 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)62 Pass 1diamond.gif (837 bytes) Pass 3club.gif (841 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)K98 Pass 4NT Pass 5diamond.gif (837 bytes)
club.gif (841 bytes)J753 Pass 5NT Pass 6spade.gif (842 bytes)
Pass 7NT Pass Pass

You know something that declarer does not. You know the club suit is not running. Lead a diamond through the expected diamond strength in the dummy. Perhaps you can declarer out of a diamond finesse before he knows he needs it. Lead the diamond.gif (837 bytes)8.

11. What do you lead against the opponents no trump game?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)K10654 Pass Pass Pass 1NT
heart.gif (841 bytes)10985 Pass 3NT Pass Pass
diamond.gif (837 bytes)AQ Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)53

Another case for a fourth best lead from what is likely the longest and strongest suit in you and partner's hands combined. Lead the spade.gif (842 bytes)5.

12. The opponents stayed out of game. What do you lead against 3spade.gif (842 bytes)?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)86 Pass Pass 1spade.gif (842 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)AK87 Pass 3spade.gif (842 bytes) Pass Pass
diamond.gif (837 bytes)765 Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)7654

The unbid major suit is always a good place to start, especially when headed by the A-K. Lead the heart.gif (841 bytes)A.

13. Even with your competition the opponents bid the 4heart.gif (841 bytes). What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)KQJ96 1heart.gif (841 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)A842 1spade.gif (842 bytes) 2diamond.gif (837 bytes) 2spade.gif (842 bytes) 3club.gif (841 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)9 Pass 3heart.gif (841 bytes) Pass 4heart.gif (841 bytes)
club.gif (841 bytes)754 Pass Pass Pass

When you hold four or more trump it is best to try to make declarer trump in the long hand (called the forcing game). Lead your long, not your short one. Lead the spade.gif (842 bytes)K.

14. Your side did not bid, but partner doubled 3NT. What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)K9854 1heart.gif (841 bytes) Pass 2club.gif (841 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)8 Pass 2diamond.gif (837 bytes) Pass 2NT
diamond.gif (837 bytes)10984 Pass 3NT Dbl Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)742 Pass Pass

The double of no trump by partner (when your side has not bid) asks you to lead dummy's first bid suit. Lead the heart.gif (841 bytes)8.

15. The opponents decided on 6spade.gif (842 bytes). What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)4 1club.gif (841 bytes) Pass 1spade.gif (842 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)J7652 Pass 3spade.gif (842 bytes) Pass 4NT
diamond.gif (837 bytes)QJ107 Pass 5heart.gif (841 bytes) Dbl 6spade.gif (842 bytes)
club.gif (841 bytes)863 Pass Pass Pass

Partner's double of 5heart.gif (841 bytes) was lead directive asking for a heart lead. Lead the heart.gif (841 bytes)5.

16. Partner opened the bidding with 1diamond.gif (837 bytes) and opponents bid to 3NT. What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)87652 1diamond.gif (837 bytes) 1NT
heart.gif (841 bytes)76 Pass 2club.gif (841 bytes) Pass 2diamond.gif (837 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)Q84 Pass 2heart.gif (841 bytes) Pass 3NT
club.gif (841 bytes)1083 Pass Pass Pass

Partner' s suit, partner's suit, partner's suit. With three to an honor lead low. Lead the diamond.gif (837 bytes)4.

17. What do you lead against 3NT?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)KJ84 Pass Pass 1NT
heart.gif (841 bytes)KQ73 Pass 3NT Pass Pass
diamond.gif (837 bytes)J104 Pass
club.gif (841 bytes)Q3

You have 12 high card points and the opponents bid quickly to 3NT. Partner has at most a queen (if that). Make a passive lead and let declarer play to you. Anything else is likely to help declarer. A good passive lead is a three card suit headed by the jack-ten or ten-nine. Lead the diamond.gif (837 bytes)J.

18. Partner passed your takeout double. What do you lead?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)KQ93 1diamond.gif (837 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)AQ102


Pass Pass Pass
diamond.gif (837 bytes)4
club.gif (841 bytes)KQ109

When partner converts you takeout double to penalty it calls for a trump lead. Lead the diamond.gif (837 bytes)4.

19. What card do you lead against the opponents 4heart.gif (841 bytes) contract?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)Q10642 Pass 1heart.gif (841 bytes)
heart.gif (841 bytes)5432 Pass 2club.gif (841 bytes) Pass 2diamond.gif (837 bytes)
diamond.gif (837 bytes)K32 Pass 3heart.gif (841 bytes) Pass 4heart.gif (841 bytes)
club.gif (841 bytes)5 Pass Pass Pass

Another example where the forcing game is indicated. The size of your four trumps should not disuade you. Lead your longest suit in an effort make declarer trump in the long hand. Lead the spade.gif (842 bytes)4.

20. What do you lead against this 3NT contract?

West West North East South
spade.gif (842 bytes)KQJ102 3heart.gif (841 bytes) 3NT
heart.gif (841 bytes)8 Pass Pass Pass
diamond.gif (837 bytes)K43
club.gif (841 bytes)7654

Here is a case where leading partner's suit doers not make sense. Partner is unlikely to ever gain the lead. You have a strong suit headed by a strong sequence. Lead your suit. Lead the spade.gif (842 bytes)K.

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